Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; Teaching them to observe all things whatso­ ever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you al­ways, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Matthew 28: 19-20

Mt. Beulah Missionary Baptist Church started as a prayer band organized by Brother George Washington. In 1951, Brother Washington appointed Rev. Albert Green as the pastor of the prayer band. The prayer band consisted of thirteen members: Brother Joe Thomas, Brother Shelly, Brother Wilson Moore, Brother Rivers Johnson, Brother Albert Green, Sister  Eula Scott, Brother Tom Reed, Brother Harrison Sheehee, Sister Laura Thomas, Siter Ora Scott, Sister Lena Mae Green, Sister Irene Goodlow, and Sister Lillie M. Johnson. The prayer band conducted weekly fellowship and worship services in the home of Deacon Joe and Mother Laura Thomas for more than a year. In 1952, the prayer band moved to its first church building at 103 Hickory Street, Los Angeles, CA, where they increased in numbers and continued to grow spiritually by Faith in God. 

In 1953, the prayer band founded Mt. Beulah Missionary Baptist Church. The newly formed members of Mt. Beulah decided to purchase a larger church home. By the grace of God, Mt. Beulah was successful in purchasing an old fire station building, located at 11625 Lou Dillon Street, Los Angeles, CA, which was converted into a church. Brother Willie Price was the first person to be baptized at Mt. Beulah. Pastor Albert Green, the nephew of Rev. Cleveland Green, Jr., became the elected pastor of Mt. Beulah, followed by Rev. Frank Davis. Mt. Beulah continued to remain faithful to the church’s original mission of saving souls, following the doctrines of Christ, and developing disciples.

In 1964, God blessed the congregation by sending Rev. Robert Brown to pastor the church. Under the pastorship of Rev. Brown, Mt. Beulah expanded again to a larger church home at 1601 E. 113th Street, Los Angeles, CA, where we have been worshipping since 1970. Under the leadership of Pastor Brown, Mt. Beulah established its Youth and Young Adult Department, Vacation Bible School, weekly Bible study, and prayer meeting groups. Mt. Beulah continued to grow under the leadership of Pastor Brown through God’s Holy Word and by applying the principles of God to everyday life. Rev. Brown pastored Mt. Beulah until his death on Feb. 13, 1985.

The congregation received another blessing from our Heavenly Father when Rev. Robert Kimble was elected as the pastor of Mt. Beulah on March 28, 1985.  Pastor Kimble followed in the footsteps of Pastor Brown by demonstrating humbleness and emphasizing the teachings of God’s Word. He continued the concept of applying God’s Word to everyday life, which enabled the congregation to make more disciples and continually grow spiritually. As a pastor, professional counselor, teacher, and mentor, Pastor Kimble could always be found counseling a member, visiting the sick and shut-in, supporting our Youth and Young Adults, and giving individuals pertinent advice.  It was obvious to all who knew Pastor Kimble that he desired God’s Will. Under the leadership of Pastor Kimble, Mt. Beulah was able to purchase additional real estate properties.  God gave Pastor  Kimble the vision of “A CHURCH WITH A MISSION TO MAKE DISCIPLES.” On June 23, 1995, our Heavenly father called Pastor Robert Kimble home to rest.

In God’s infinite wisdom, a new shepherd, Rev. Calvin Lucas, who was elected to oversee God’s flock and continue to carry out Mt. Beulah’s vision. Pastor Lucas continued to teach Mt. Beulah’s mission and stressed the true definition of a church: “A church consists not only of four walls, a floor, and a roof but consists of born-again believers in Jesus Christ working together on one accord,  jointly fitting together as the temple of God, a spiritual house.” Pastor Lucas initiated the development of Mt. Beulah’s Outreach Ministry Program, New Member’s Class, Deacons and Deaconess Training Program, Leadership Meetings, Children’s Learning Center, and enhanced the Mission Program. God blessed us to create an expansion program as our church membership increased. Pastor Lucas’ consistent energy, time, effort, and dedication allowed us to remodel our church with all the amenities. 

On October 4, 2003, God sent us a new shepherd, Rev. Maurice Kelly. Pastor Kelly’s clear and concise methods of teaching the scriptures excited the congregation exceedingly. Under his leadership, the weekly Bible study attendance increased tremendously.  Pastor Kelly was instrumental in starting a Pre-Anniversary Black Tie event, developing a Youth Bible Study, and expanding the parking lot. With the support of his wife, he proved to be a dedicated pastor and a loving husband. Pastor Kelly’s consistent energy, time, effort, and dedication helped the congregation grow spiritually and gave the congregation the ability to come together in CHRIST, LOVE, and UNITY.  In 2014, Pastor Kelly was succeeded by Rev. Jonathan Knight.

In 2020, the Covid pandemic significantly impacted Mt. Beulah as so many other churches around the world. The impact of the pandemic brought a transition in our leadership. 

In July 2022, Pastor Troy B. Jemerson was selected as our new pastor to help steer us out of the pandemic and into a new direction. Pastor Jemerson’s vision is to grow Mt. Beulah’s membership, design ministries that bless the congregation and community, develop our flock spiritually, and train disciples who will develop more disciples for Christ.